With new development budgets being formalized, now is the time to consider what events are going to look like in the future and what the development world can do to stay ahead of the trend.

Peer-to-peer fundraising is one way to raise more money and expand your donor base at a relatively low cost, relying on existing donors to bring many more to the table. They reach out to their networks and encourage them to give to your cause. What better way to acquire and cultivate new donors - read the benefits here.
Computers are so 2020; stay ahead of the game with Phones!
We pivoted to virtual events during 2020 as more and more people began to work remotely and became even more accessible online.
Did you know 94% of seniors (adults 70 and older) are sending text messages weekly, with a daily average of 11 messages (Experian), and 95% of texts from businesses are read within 3 minutes of being sent (Forbes)?
Could texting work for you? Read more about these top text fundraising tools.
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